I'm a freelance
Ruby on Rails programmer
with more than ten years of experience developing websites.
You can hire me for Ruby on Rails development, and also for integrating code and HTML5 & CSS3.
I've been developing websites since 1999, first as a designer (Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver) and later coding (HTML, CSS, ASP).
In 2002 I co-founded Alazán Internet, a small web programming company in which I developed Websolution, a CMS based on ASP.
I became interested in Ruby on Rails five years ago, now it's the area in which I'm specialized. At the same time, I've continued using the latest web standards (HTML5, CSS3)
and learning about data visualization with D3.js (you can see some examples here:
I'm also the creator of Ludus, the reference website about alternative pedagogies in Spain.
- Spanish
- Catalan
- English
Bachelor's Degree, Philosophy
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -
Teaching Certificate
Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
Library Technician
I.B. Dámaso Alonso
Surprised? Please read this
Intermediate D3 for Data Visualization (Knight Center, 2015)
Aprende Rails (ASPGems)
Accesibilidad en Internet (Fundetel)
Another Skills
This is a selection of projects in wich I've worked since I'm a web developer.

is a directory of alternative pedagogies projects in Spain. Users can search by province, pedagogy type or ages, or click in the map to see the info about a project. They can also add their own projects. PERSONAL PROJECT.

Cadáveres Inmobiliarios
Recently, I have startet to collaborate doing some D3 data visualizations with Cadáveres Inmobiliarios, a Spanish post-bubble database.

Rock & Roll with Ember.js
is a book that guides you through the steps of building a real Ember application so that you can see how the concepts are applied in practice. MY TASKS:
- Design & Front-End development of the sales web
- Creation of the book PDF file from the chapters Markdown files

Site Validator
allows you validate HTML5 and CSS3 on your whole site with a single click.
My tasks were to adapt the Bootstrap template to the project needs, improving the UX, and programming the blog.

Flora Catalana
A tool for recovering ethnobotanical knowledge and avoid being lost forever, to provide artwork to all kinds of studies on plants and to document all kinds of educational activities related to nature.

I developed this CMS while I was working at Alazán Internet, a company I co-founded. As head of the technical area, I designed the different templates and programmed the application, which allows customers to edit their websites, add products, configure e-commerce, send newsletters, manage their intranet,... The application grew over the time in order to adjust itself to the advances in web technologies as well as the customers' needs.